How is your agency presenting video? Whether it is in the form of a media release or as an exhibit in court, editing video to fit your needs is an invaluable skill set for your agency to have available. The ability to cut a video down to a reasonable length, introduce transitions, blur the faces of bystanders, introduce text, and incorporate other forms of media may be a daunting task to those unfamiliar with video editing solutions out there.
Video Creation for Court and Media Presentation is a four-hour long training course designed to assist law enforcement personnel in the development of video media that can be presented on social media or to news outlets, or in court as an exhibit that captures the essential aspects of a crime, so that the judge and jury can fully understand what had transpired at your scene.
Instruction will include the use of both free and paid video editing software, which allows your department to choose which method best fits your goals and budget. It will also include the capturing of video from proprietary players or formats, which are almost universally unsupported by commercial video editing software. Attendees will learn how to document their actions when editing video for court, which will allow them to address concerns by the defense or by the judge as to the legitimacy of the video after it has been processed.
This class is open to any law enforcement or government investigative personnel who may have occasion to edit video for release to the public or for court presentation. Social media liaisons, public information officers, and detectives are prime candidates for this offering.
The course is designed and taught by active law enforcement personnel who have a expertise in video technology and digital evidence handling. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

No prior investigative or computer experience is required, though a basic understanding of how to interact with computer systems and applications is highly beneficial.
Must be employed by a law enforcement agency, a government regulatory/investigative body (liquor control commission, gaming control board, child protective services, animal control, state fraud investigations, arson investigations, corruption investigations, etc.), or a prosecuting attorney’s office. Inquiries as to eligibility may be made using our contact form.
Software / Hardware:
A computer running Windows or MacOS is required to participate in the exercises posed in this course. It is recommended that this computer have a dedicated graphics card for processing through the image editing software covered during the course.
Utilization of two monitors is highly recommended, as it allows for the course to be viewed on one screen while the attendee follows along on the other.
Administrative rights or I.T./I.S. installation of the below programs will be required:
Camtasia will be required to follow along with a portion of the course materials. This may be purchase separately from the class, a trial copy may be used (subject to TechSmith’s licensing agreements), or you may purchase a license for Camtasia (2022) alongside a registration for this course.
Shotcut will be required to follow along with a portion of the course materials. This is free software and does not require purchasing.
Price: $250 per student | $450 with software included | Bulk discounts available
Michigan: MCOLES 302/LED funds approved
Length: Four hours
Upcoming Dates:
Further course dates in development! See below to sign up for our mailing list for updates.
Additional dates are forthcoming!
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